الصيغ التي يدعمها البرنامج ويمكن استعادتها بواسطته
Easy Photo Recovery supports the following formats:
- 3GP 3GPP Multimedia File
- JPG JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
- TIF TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
- AVI AVI (Video for Windows, Video taken by some Digital Camera)
- BMP Bitmap
- PNG Portable Notation Graphics
- CRW Canon Raw
- CR2 Canon Raw
- MOV QuickTime Video Clip
- MP4 MPEG-4 Video File
- NEF Nikon Raw
- PEF Pentax Raw
- QT QuickTime Movie
- RAF Fujifilm Raw
- X3F Sigma Raw
- ORF Olympus Raw
- SRF Sony Raw
- MRW Minolta Raw
- DCR Kodak Professional Camera raw
- K25 Eastman Kodak DC25 Camera - DNG Digital Negative (Leica, Samsung, Ricoh) تحميل البرنامج وبالتوفيق
Easy Photo Recovery supports the following formats:
- 3GP 3GPP Multimedia File
- JPG JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
- TIF TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
- AVI AVI (Video for Windows, Video taken by some Digital Camera)
- BMP Bitmap
- PNG Portable Notation Graphics
- CRW Canon Raw
- CR2 Canon Raw
- MOV QuickTime Video Clip
- MP4 MPEG-4 Video File
- NEF Nikon Raw
- PEF Pentax Raw
- QT QuickTime Movie
- RAF Fujifilm Raw
- X3F Sigma Raw
- ORF Olympus Raw
- SRF Sony Raw
- MRW Minolta Raw
- DCR Kodak Professional Camera raw
- K25 Eastman Kodak DC25 Camera
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